
Here are some great resources for dads and families to help you at work and at home.



Here are some great resources for dads and families to help you at work and at home.

A great dad can make all the difference to children’s well being, confidence and educational attainment. Research overwhelmingly shows that children, families and society as a whole benefits from the positive involvement of fathers or 'The Dad Effect'. 

We believe we’re at a tipping point. Over the past 50 years we have seen striking cultural changes from a time when many dads weren’t even at their children’s births, to the present-day reality where 98% are at the birth and millions of father figures are fully involved in a nurturing / caring role. The old stereotype of the male breadwinner and disciplinarian no longer serves us in an age of increasing diversity and equality at home, work and throughout society.

Who benefits from a dad's involvement?

  • Dads: Who overwhelmingly want more involvement in the lives of their children.
  • Children: Research overwhelmingly shows that children are more likely to be smarter, healthier and happier if their dads are positively involved.
  • Women: Who rightly expect a good dad to be involved in birth plans, child care and decision-making about children.

Dads' WhatsApp Group

Join our peer-support WhatsApp group for dads

Dad-Friendly Directory

Looking for a group or service in your area which welcomes dads? Do you or your family need help, support on education, health, relationships or legal issues? You’ll find help with all of this and more in our directory and interactive map.


Why dads matter

Dads at work

Supporting your child


  • Here’s Dad (Review of Father Inclusive Service, resource and support)
    Download pdf


  • The New Father: A Dad's Guide to the First Year - Armin Brott
  • The Guy's Guide to Surviving Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the First Year of Fatherhood - Michael Crider
  • The Complete Secrets of Happy Children: A Guide for Parents - Steve Biddulph
  • Raising Boys - Steve Biddulph
  • Manhood - Steve Biddulph
  • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk - Adele Faber; Elaine Mazlish
  • Fatherhood: The Truth - Marcus Berkmann