Summer Family Adventure

Summer Family Adventure

The Summer Family Adventure is a collaboration between Fathers Network Scotland, Children’s Parliament and Scottish Book Trust, using the Bookbug and Read, Write, Count books gifted to children across Scotland to inspire a summer of family outdoor reading, learning and playing.

The Summer Family Adventure is part of Fathers Network Scotland's celebration of the Year of Childhood. This is a year-long event running throughout 2021 and hosted by Children’s Parliament. The event encourages grown-ups to listen to and share ideas and experiences with children.

We'd love to hear about what you get up to! Don’t forget to include the hashtags #SummerFamilyAdventure #YearofChildhood2021 

All of the books detailed are also available in libraries across Scotland. Libraries are a wonderful, free resource for readers and writers of all ages. Find out about everything libraries can offer, including Scottish Book Trust activities in our weekly activity packs.

If you would like the chance to win a free Bookbug finger puppet to help on your summer adventure - visit the Scottish Book Trust HERE


Adventure 1: SPACE

Adventure Pack

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Adventure Pack

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Adventure 3: UNDER THE SEA

Adventure Pack

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Adventure 4: FOOD

Summer Adventure 4

Adventure Pack

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Adventure 5: FAIRYTALES

Summer adventure 5

Adventure Pack

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Adventure 6: TRAVEL

Summer Adventure Activity Pack

Adventure Pack

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Adventure 7: ME & MY FEELINGS

Summer Adventure Activity Pack

Adventure Pack

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Download the main campaign graphics

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